Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Importance of Cleansing

It seems like so many people make the same New Year's resolution year after year. I constantly hear of dreams to get in shape and loose weight, but rarely do I see these dreams lived out. I believe that we cannot change the outside of our bodies without first addressing what is happening inside of our bodies.
What many people do not realize is that throughout the years fecal matter and various toxins become trapped inside of our intestines. Even if one has regular bowel movements the intestinal walls are still impacted with waste. This can result in numerous health problems such as:
*Heart Issues
*Poor Eyesight
*Memory Loss
*Premature Aging
*Lack of Energy
*Many other acute, chronic and degenerative diseases

That is why I am starting off this year with Muir Botanicals's Herbal Cleanse and a detox program. This cleanse is designed to remove toxins from your body while supporting your liver and other organs. It can be taken with or without the assistance of the program mentioned below, but healthy eating habits are recommended for optimum results. Many believe that detoxing the body can result in improved hormonal function, immune health and psychological wellness.

New Year's Cleanse and Detox Program
"This 10-day program stimulates the release and elimination of metabolic waste products that tend to accumulate particularly over the winter months. Please note that Days 4 to 7 of the program are when the majority of the detoxification occurs. Toxic wastes stored in the fat cells release into blood stream and pass to the liver for deactivation and elimination. It is possible that during this period you may experience some cleansing reactions such as headache, bad breath, spots or boils, dizziness or aching joints [or fatigue]. These are natural effects of detoxification and will diminish over two or three days as the liver cleanses the blood. Should these symptoms persist contact a healthcare professional. 
This program utilizes both nutritional changes and the use of herbs to assist in the cleansing of the body. Muir Botanical's Herbal Cleanse can be taken during the duration of the program.  It is recommended that you take no vitamins or other nutritional supplements while on a cleanse, and should not discontinue prescription medication without discussing this with a qualified healthcare professional. 
Recommended foods:
Days 1 to 4 - nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, fruits and vegetables (preferably raw or lightly steamed), whole grains (e.g. mush), cooked brown rice, oil and lemon juice on salad, soy yogurt, and any other whole foods not of animal origin 
Days 5 to 7 - this should compromise one only of the following food groupings for three days of the program.
 i) Apples (about 3lbs. daily) 
ii) Grapes (about 5 lbs. daily) 
iii) Fresh papaya and pineapple (one of each daily) 
Days 8 to 10 - gradually add back the foods included under Days 1 to 4.
Foods to Avoid: Milk, butter, cheese, eggs, meat and all meat products, sugar, and anything containing added sugar, salt, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and all carbonated beverages, chips, candies, canned or frozen foods, cakes, and pastries, alcohol, and any other foods that are not completely natural. Modifying the program: The program can be modified for those individuals suffering from hypoglycemia or an otherwise weakened system, as well as those not able to commit to a more rigid cleanse. The three-day fruit fast is omitted, and the foods plan outlined in Days 1 to 4 is recommended.

Diabetics, those with cancer, gout stomach ulcers, liver kidney heart or lung disease, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, or any one with a compromised immune system should consult with a healthcare practitioner before embarking on any cleanse or fast." (adapted from Natural Options to Health: A Herbalist's Manual by Rachel Beck BA Dip. Hom. C.H.T. pgs 18-19)

I believe that a cleanse is the perfect way to start off any weight loss or wellness program, and what a better time to do that than the beginning of a new year?

Muir Botanical's Herbal Cleanse is now available on ETSY!

(orders will not be shipped before Jan. 15th)

1 comment:

  1. Katie - I just purchased your cleansing herbs! I'm excited to try the cleanse you suggest. Some friends around here are really into the "Nourishing Traditions" stream of eating. Are you familiar with this? I'm curious about your thoughts on it. It is based on eating diets more similar to what indigenous cultures around the world have eaten for centuries. It includes fermented foods, lots of fruits and vegetables, only soaked/fermented grains, and a good deal of high-quality meat and dairy products. I've been reading about and trying it out a bit, as it is quite intriguing.

    I'm loving looking at your products and reading your blog! What amazing work you are doing!

    Candace McCallister
